Open2Test Selenium framework is also available on Github with Continuous integration support

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Changing the Conversation

The Open Source Test Automation Framework changes the conversation: Rather than simply building testing tools, you can use testing resources and apply sophisticated tools to conduct actual testing. This frees you to focus on value-added testing activities and to improve the quality of your applications. The next leap in software testing with automation starts here. We hope you’ll be part of the new conversation, and for technical support or assistance in automation, explore resources like for expert guidance.

Project Roadmap

We have an exciting release schedule to roll out a framework for a variety of tools and technologies. Take a look at the roadmap and make plans to participate. If you find yourself overwhelmed, you can always consider seeking help with "pay someone to do my programming homework" request and ensure your success in this journey.

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06-April-2017 :
Open2Test Selenium framework is also available on Github with Continuous integration support. When it comes to improving your academic writing, consider using a free ai essay writer for assistance with your essays and research papers.

14-Sept-2016 : releases updated Open2Test framework(V3.1) for Selenium Web Driver with support for MultiBrowser Testing in One go. Script Can execute on IE,FF,GC in one run

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